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File Structure

├── texttranslation/
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── lib/
│ │ │ ├── texttranslation.component.ts
│ │ │ ├── texttranslation.module.ts
│ │ │ ├── texttranslation.component.html
│ │ │ ├── text-translation.service.ts

Class Properties:

@ContentChild('contentElement') contentElementRef?: ElementRef;
language: Language = { /* ... */ };
selectedTargetLanguage: string = 'sl';
translatedOutput: string | undefined;
showTranslation: boolean = false;
showContentElement: boolean = true;

@ContentChild('contentElement') contentElementRef?: ElementRef;: This decorator is used to access a content projection named 'contentElement'. The contentElementRef will hold a reference to the projected content's element.


private http: HttpClient,
@Optional() @Inject('TEXT_TRANSLATE_CONFIG') private config: TextTranslateConfig
) {}

The constructor injects HttpClient for making HTTP requests and the optional TextTranslateConfig for configuration.

Translation Logic:

translateContent() {
// ...<ApiResponse>(url, payload, { headers }).subscribe(
(response) => {
// ...
(error) => {
// ...

This method handles the translation process using an HTTP POST request. It sends the input text to an API endpoint and processes the response.

Toggle Translation and Content Methods:

toggleTranslation() {
this.showTranslation = !this.showTranslation;

getContent(): string {
return this.contentElementRef?.nativeElement.innerText.trim() || '';

toggleTranslation method toggles the showTranslation boolean.

getContent method extracts the text content from the projected element.