📄️ TextTranslation
Bhashini-Translation is a powerful language translation library designed specifically for Indian languages. It harnesses the power of AI to offer accurate and efficient translation services. With Bhashini-Translation, you can easily integrate advanced language translation capabilities into your web applicationsIt's integrating with Bhashini Api. It seamlessly integrates with web frontends such as Vanilla JS, React, and Angular.
📄️ TextToSpeech Translation
Bhashini-Translation is a powerful language translation library designed specifically for Indian languages. It harnesses the power of AI to offer accurate and efficient translation services. With Bhashini-Translation, you can easily integrate advanced language translation capabilities into your web applicationsIt's integrating with Bhashini Api. It seamlessly integrates with web frontends such as Vanilla JS, React, and Angular.
📄️ Text To Text And Speech Translation
Bhashini-Translation is a powerful language translation library designed specifically for Indian languages. It harnesses the power of AI to offer accurate and efficient translation services. With Bhashini-Translation, you can easily integrate advanced language translation capabilities into your web applicationsIt's integrating with Bhashini Api. It seamlessly integrates with web frontends such as Vanilla JS, React, and Angular.